Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tales of the Toilets

I joined the Art + Science of Scrapbooking Workshop by Stacy Julian and Jennifer Wilson on Big Picture Classes. Actually it's a birthday present for myself, since I know nobody is going to get me one, might as well get myself one. *forever alone sigh*

It's a very different workshop, because they are using 'left-brained' and 'right-brained' approaches to sort of differentiate the tendency of how a left-brained will do certain crafting process vs a right-brained person. Sorry if I sound confusing, that is way I don't get to teach classes. For more information, you can check out the workshop here.

So in the first class, they have this 'Ideation' chapter, which basically means how one comes up with a scrapbook story or idea. Logical and dull me, I have everything planned. To be exact, sometimes, when I take photos, I already have some idea such as what title I want to use, and what story I want to tell from the photos. A bit OCD-ish, maybe. And one of the instructors challenges us to find inspiration from our stash of patterned papers, to tell a story about a certain place. I would never ever, ever, come up with such idea. So I take on that challenge and had fun crafting. Below is the homework I handed in for that challenge.

WHO takes pictures of toilets, on purpose?? Answer: Mr. A

I like the title I came up with *hee*

{Washroom Restroom Toilet} This is one unique journaling, probably once in a lifetime, having the word toilet and its' synonym repeated so many times in a sentence.

My favorite 'decorating one of the top corners'

This is a simple page with minimal decorating. Love the simplicity and the funny story. Great challenge from Art + Science and looking forward to their upcoming classes. =)

Supplies (Patterned Papers)
Supplies (Alphas)
  • Rub-ons Alpha by Heidi Grace
  • Marquise Thickers by Amy Tangerine
Supplies (Embellishments)


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