Monday, May 6, 2013

National Scrapbooking Day 2013

(I know I'm late, still..)Happy NSD everyone! It's a long weekend here at my place due to the General Election, and I thought I will be spending all my time to craft and craft and craft. But the truth is, we were all so nervous about the GE results that I ended up stuck in front of the TV until I had have enough of all the BS. It's kinda happy sad weekend. Happy because there are many NSD challenges to inspire me as well as all the great prizes they're offering, sad because the disappointing results of the GE. Well, enough of politics.

Two Peas in a Bucket has 10 challenges lined up for us to get inspired. You can read about them here. I don't know about you, but I'm interested in the first, second and sixth challenge. Hopefully I have enough time and energy to take down all 3 challenges! These challenges are open through Sunday, May 12th, at 11:59 pm CST, so there are still plenty of time for those who missed it on Saturday.

At Shimelle's blog, there are a total of TWENTY FOUR challenges! Here's the first post of her first challenge. I don't think I can make 24 layouts in a week. I might just chose a few that caught my eyes and try to conquer them. Oh, by the way, you can make a layout for each challenge, or you can combine first four challenges and make into one layout and so on and so forth. These challenges are also open through Sunday, May 12th. 

I believe there are more blogs or websites that are having different challenges for NSD, but I didn't go look for them specifically. The few that I intended to participate will be enough to keep me busy for the whole week.

So now, it's time to get crafty! 


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